Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 14: Last full day in London and Britten Sinfonia concert

     As of 4:30 the entire has gone their separate ways for the past 5 hours on their last full day in London. With packing to do and an early departure awaiting, I set off to South Kensington Station to see what the Victoria and Albert Museum had in store with a possible trip to the Science Museum should time permit. 
     Let it never be said that the Victoria and Albert Museum is small. The Museum has 5 floors, the square footage of the largest mansions, and on a quiet day like today you can get your own house-sized space to yourself if you know where to go. The ground floor, having it's own garden I might add, contains about 95% of the sculptures to be found in the Museum. If those are not your thing you can see the 5'x15' arabian rug that dates back to about 1000 years ago. If you have more taste for paintings A) The National Gallery is in Trafalgar Square and you should really check it out, and B) The Museum has an entire room devoted to Rafael's paintings commission by Pope Leo X. These are about 10'x25' and are incredibly gorgeous in their detail. Unfortunately, it turns out that just about every time you see Jesus in the Cartoons, as they are called, his robes have faded from their original pink or lilac to white. In summary, the V&A is huge and a definite must see if you ever find yourself in the area.
     Tonight we return to the Barbaican for a couple Beethoven Piano Concertos and some other pieces and must return to get ready for our trip to the north. It has been a fantastic time here in London for the past two weeks adn while I loook forward to reasonably priced food, I will miss the city.  

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